Schronisko dla Bezdomnych Zwierząt w Sosnowcu
Hi you all! I am Karolek. I came to the shelter ... if I am to be honest, I don't quite remember why. I feel very overwhelmed by it, which makes it hard for me to find myself here. I am not a cat type that will come to man at the sight of him. I would love to be like my other shelter comrades ... However, I prefer to keep a distance. Perhaps, when there is someone who gives me some love, I can open and show that I am really a beloved kitty who is very lacking in closeness. If you come to the shelter someday, do not be discouraged, please do not come to you immediately. Give me a moment of time, and I promise you that I will be your faithful companion for very many years. I don't need much. A warm corner with a bed, a full bowl and some fun is enough for me. Of course, don't forget that I need a lot of love and tenderness - but it seems to me that this is not much. If you want to provide me and you know that you can cope with this task. Call now and ask about me! I no longer want to be a homeless and unwanted cat ...
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